Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit for us?

One of the last things Jesus told His followers before He ascended into heaven was to wait in Jerusalem until they were "clothed with power from on high", before going out to share the Gospel all over the world. Yet so often we try to share the good news about Jesus in our own strength, with our own "good ideas".....when Jesus Himself clearly tells us that without Him, we can do NOTHING!

Some Christians, and indeed some modern translations of the New Testament, have tried to play down the supernatural elements of our faith, even discouraging new believers from seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which John the Baptist mentioned in all four Gospels as being something Jesus had come to impart, and which Jesus Himself promised in Acts Chapter 1
verse 5. Neither is there any mention that this gift was only for a limited season - in fact, Peter's first sermon on the Day of Pentecost contains these words:

The promise is for you and your children, and for all who are far off -
For all whom the Lord our God will call.

That means that each of us can expect God to baptise us in the same Holy Spirit! So we can expect to receive the same heavenly gifts as the first disciples received at Pentecost, including the gift of communicating effectively with others and with God in languages we have not learned (the gift of tongues), bringing real hope and healing in the Name of Jesus, and being able to sense what the Lord is wanting to say or do right NOW, for THIS person who is in front of me....more about the gifts of the Spirit next time.

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