Monday, May 01, 2006


What does it mean, Jesus saved me?

This is some spontaneous song from Robbie at TACF,
May it touch our hearts!

....let the reality of that sink in, that He saved you -
I was thinking that often the greatest point in the movie
Is where the lover lays down his life for his bride -
The thing is, in those movies it takes about eighty minutes
To get to that point - sometimes even three hours....

The difference with our story is that our Lover started that way,
He started that way, to catch your eye,
To catch your eye, He laid down His life,
Went to a death most excruciating,
The most painful death you've ever heard of...that's how it started.
Not how the story ends, that how it starts......

Raised again, raised again, He came again
To love you back to life, He was raised again
To love you back to life -

How can it be, You were the One on the Cross?
Lifted for all our shame........
How can it be, that the scars in Your hands
Are for me?.......
You are the King of all.

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