Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Authority over the demonic

There is certainly a rise in public interest in the whole area of the supernatural - indeed, a popular novel at the moment is titled Angels and Demons - yet many Christians doubt whether demon spirits really exist! Some say that when Jesus rebuked evil (or unclean, to use the literal translation) spirits and set people free from their effects, He was simply following the ideas of His time, and now that we have modern science, we are more enlightened in our thinking.....

But if demons do not exist, why is there still such a general interest in their power even today? Why do horror films continue to be so popular? More important, why did Jesus tell His followers that they would have power to cast demons out in His name, if there would be no need for this ability in the centuries to come? And there has never been a greater need, with many illnesses failing to respond to the best medical treatment, people being driven by forces which feel beyond their control, the highest ever levels of suicide, addiction, sexual crime, terrorism -

Jesus said that in the last days before His return, many people's hearts would fail them because of fear and anxiety. The world has seen major changes in the last century: two world wars, the near-extermination of the Jews in Europe, the horrors of 9/11, and only today, terrible train bombings in Mumbai. We need the peace that comes from knowing that Jesus has given us His authority and protection over all the power of the Evil One.

Very often, Christians who minister regularly in healing find that demonic power and sickness (mental and even physical) are closely connected, and prayer for healing is more effective when combined with casting out demonic or unclean spirits - in a similar way to a wound that needs both healing medicine and cleaning-out of any bacteria that have got into it. This is why Jesus told His followers to heal the sick AND cast out demons! Incidentally, the heavenly angelic realm is also very real, and I will share some amazing stories about this soon.....

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