Thursday, April 27, 2006



Blessings to anyone reading this, whether or not you know me or my website! The idea of starting a blog was initially to be able to add comments to my best friend Ali's blogs, especially now she is leaving "The Smoke" for the clearer - spiritually and physically - air of Toronto. I am green with envy, as she is spending at least a month at my favourite church in all the world, TACF - website - but at least I should be able to see her on their live webcasts.

However, I would like to write a blog that is more than just an online diary....rather, I will aim to bring some cheer to the heart of any reader, and help him or her to know the heart of God better....and maybe even help myself while I am at it! This will not be a "Thought for the Day" or Bible study plan, as there are a lot of those around in print and online already - but let us see what fresh bread from heaven our Father sets before us each day! (having said that about every day, I doubt if I will manage another entry till at least Sunday night, as I am going away for the weekend.....)

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